What can you expect?
When you visit Holy Cross Lutheran church you can expect to experience a welcoming, family-friendly, bible-believing, intergenerational community of Christians receiving the means of God's Grace through Word and Sacrament and sharing the light of Christ's Cross with the world. Our kids & youth Sunday School and adult bible studies are meant for us to learn from and apply the truth of God's Word to our lives. Our worship services follow the Lutheran order of worship with reverence and joy, hearing the Gospel and receiving the Body and Blood of Christ. We usually sing hymns with organ or piano and regularly have a choir and handbells. Monthly we have an acoustic band leading us in some modern praise music as well. We have a staffed cry room and nursery next to the sanctuary with windows and sound for mom's to utilize. First time visitors receive a welcome bag with gifts at our Welcome Center. There is a place for you here!

Can you take communion?
As mentioned above The Lord’s Supper is celebrated every Sunday. Lutherans believe that our Lord’s body and blood are truly present “in, with and under” the elements of bread and wine in the Supper and is given to us for the forgiveness of our sins and the strengthening of our faith.  All communicants should have already been Baptized and have faith in the words of Christ, “This is my Body given for you. This is my Blood shed for you for the forgiveness of sins.” Instruction in this and the Lutheran confessions takes place at any of the following: First Communion preparation, Youth Confirmation, Adult Membership classes, or personal meeting with the pastor. For more information about any of these contact the Church office. Usually, first time visitors who wish to receive Communion should contact the pastor the week prior to give him a heads up. If you will not be receiving the Sacrament, you may remain in your pew or come forward for a blessing by crossing your arms over your chest as a sign that you will not be receiving. We offer wine in individual cups and the chalice (to receive from the chalice put hands together in prayer when at the altar). *Non-alcoholic white wine is located in the center of the individual cups tray. *Gluten-free wafers are available, please request from distribution server. Taste and see that the Lord is good!
