Human Care Ministry

New Hope Food Pantry:
We distribute food to the needy, offer prayer, and take care of any special needs our clients might have. At Thanksgiving and Christmas, we provide families with a complete meal to take home. If you or someone you know is in need of emergency food please contact our hotline at 586-751-2517. Our days and hours of distribution is Tuesday 10am-12pm & 4-6pm and Friday 4-6pm.

Stephen Ministry:
We have two trained Stephen Ministers, a trained Ministry Assistant and a Deacon in training who assist our Pastor with visiting with those who are suffering or would benefit from someone to listen and care for them.

Widow's Lunch Meet-up:
Our Ministry Assistant organized a monthly Widow's Lunch Meet Up after church on Sundays.

Prayer Ministry:
A group of prayer warriors meets Wednesdays at 11:30am (Sept. through June) to pray for requests and needs at Holy Cross and send out encouraging cards.
