Our Beliefs

We are by no means perfect people. We believe that by our very nature we are sinful human beings who live contrary to the Word and will of God. We sin by what we think, what we say, and what we do. We know the “wages of sin is death” but thanks be to God we have the victory in our risen and coming again Savior, Jesus Christ. He came into our world to give his life as the “once for all” sacrifice on the cross to atone for our sin, bring us forgiveness, reconcile us to God and bless us with an everlasting relationship with himself. Living under that forgiveness, and with God’s help, we are aiming our lives toward Christ that we might better know and understand our loving Father and become more like him. Sharing a common faith in our Savior, we walk the journey of faith together as a congregation, serving and encouraging each other, and sharing the light of the cross into the world..  

We subscribe to the Lutheran Confessions as revealed in the Book of Concord, including the three historical creeds of the Christian Church: The Apostle’s Creed, The Nicene Creed, and the Athanasian Creed.

We commend the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod’s work on these cultural issues:

Creation vs Evolution

Human Sexuality

Life in the Womb/Abortion

     -For those who have questions or struggle with a past abortion, call the Word of Hope 24/7 hotline: 888-217-8679, word-of-hope.org (a ministry of Lutherans For Life).

