COUNCIL MINISTRY (Mark/Graddie) President, vice president, secretary, treasurer, & financial secretary. 

  • Financial Support Team Assists with treasurer duties.
  • Tellers (Denise) Count the offering following Sunday worship services. 


  • Rental Use Manager 
  • Grounds/Landscaping Team and Manager
  • Bldg. Maintenance & Repair Team and Manager
  • Insurance Manager (Jennie)


  • Greeting Cards Crew, Attendance & CDs (Virginia), Mailings, Collating etc.


  • Readers Reading the O.T. and Epistle at worship services. 
  • Altar Boys 3rd to 12th grade boys who assist the Pastor on Feast Day worship services with candles, processions, washing pastor’s hands, chalice hot water, ringing bell, & collecting cups, ablutions, etc. 
  • Ushers/Greeters(Ray) Open/lock doors, lights/heat/air, greet & hand out bulletins, bring plates for offertory, dismiss rows for communion, inform pastor of those needing communion at their seat, track attendance.
  • Music (Michael)
    • Slideshow Operators Running laptop PowerPoint slides for worship services, and streaming
  • Choir and instrumentalists
  • Handbell Choir (Marie)
  • Praise band 
  • Altar Guild (Kathy) Supplies & upkeep for candles, communion, set up paraments for seasons, cleaning
    • Bannerman Someone to set change side banners and tall Altar banners each season
    • Flower Girls (Amy) Planning flower arrangements for the Altar area.
    • Banner Artists (Marie/Suzette) Creating banners for seasons of the church that we need.

EVENTS MINISTRY Blessing of the Pets, German Fest, NYE, Easter breakfast, church picnic, blood drive, etc.

  • Classic Cruisers (Ron/Fred) A ministry to & with lovers of classic cars, annual car show and blessing rides 
  • Kitchen Team (Shirley/Margaret) Monitor use, clean up, supplies, food, assists with luncheons & events. 

ELDERS MINISTRY (Lary) Reputable men assisting Pastor with his office of ministry

  • Men’s Ministry
  • Visitation of Members Ministry (Pastor Eric)
  • Stephen Ministry Caring and listening to those in need of support in difficult times. (Carol/Susan)


  • Food Pantry Team (Dave) Distributing food & other items to those in need, with volunteers and donors.
  • Prayer Ministry Team (Dave) Prayer requests and list, and prayer gatherings on Thurs. at 3pm

FAMILY & WOMEN’S MINISTRY (Laurel) Connecting and ministering to the needs of families.

  • Nursery Team
  • Children and Youth Ministry Team (Laurel)
    • Sunday School, Confirmation, VBS, Youth & Jr Youth groups, events
  • College Age Ministry
  • Women’s Ministry Team (Laurel/Jennie) Connecting & planning events building community. 
    • Scrapbooking (Connie)

SENIORS’ MINISTRY Connecting and planning Spring and Fall luncheons & outings

  • Widows Sunday Lunch outing (Michelle)

EVANGELISM AND MISSIONS Promoting & communicating with our missionaries, or other key partners, developing ways to share the gospel with others.
