Our History

October, 1960—Reverend Marvin Bergman called to organize a new parish in area.

November 6, 1960—First Sunday worship service held at Green Acres Elementary School.

February 8, 1961—Congregation was officially chartered and named Holy Cross.

February 12, 1961—Charter membership of 42 families.

August 6, 1961—Groundbreaking for worship facilities at 30003 Ryan Road.

January 21, 1962—Cornerstone set in place.

April 8, 1962—Dedication of church.

May, 1964—First resident in newly purchased parsonage at 3607 Common Road.

October 15, 1967—Reverend John A. Hauser installed as pastor.

1978-83—Vicars: David Ulm 78-79, David Pelsue 79-80, John Herfurth 80-81, Jeff Harter 81-82, Russell Hoeppner 82-83

August 12, 1979—Reverend Carl Schinnerer Installed as pastor.

1985—Food Pantry was formed.

November 10, 1985—25th Anniversary of Holy Cross celebrated at Green Acres Elementary School.

August 19, 1990—Reverend Richard Rossow Installed as pastor.

August 22, 1993—Groundbreaking for Educational/Fellowship Wing and enlargement of narthex.

April 17, 1994—Dedication of new addition.

May 5, 1996—Dedication of new organ.

January, 1997—Reverend Ralph Unger hired as assistant Pastor.

June 24, 2001—Groundbreaking for worship center expansion and Educational/Fellowship Wing.

March 23, 2003—Reverend Eisinger Installed as pastor.

July 17, 2005—Matthew Canion ordained and installed as Associate Pastor.

November, 2010—Celebration of 50th Anniversary begins. Rev. Marvin Bergman is guest preacher.

June 22, 2014—Congregation member, Joseph Llewellyn, ordained.

Jan-May 2023—Vacancy Pastor Ron Nieman.

April 2023—Reverend Eric John Shanburn accepts call as pastor.

May 21st, 2023—Reverend Eric John Shanburn installed as pastor.
